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AAIP inventory

Alberta updated the AAIP inventory

On April 19, 2023, Alberta published an update considering the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) inventory. According to the new update, there were around 1,170 Alberta Opportunity Stream applications, 135 Rural Renewal Stream applications, 140 Accelerated Tech Pathway applications, and 165 Expressions of Interest in the Alberta Express Entry pool. ... CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE »
Alberta updated the inventory

Alberta updated the inventory and invited new candidates under the AAIP

Alberta updated the inventory and invited new candidates under the AAIP on April 4, 2023, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) published a new update regarding the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP). As of April 4, 2023, there were around 1,615 Alberta Opportunity Stream applications and 120 Expressions of Interest... CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE »
AAIP made changes to immigration pathways

The AAIP made changes to immigration pathways

On April 3, 2023, the AAIP made changes to immigration pathways to allow more in-demand workers and entrepreneurs to become permanent residents and immigrate to the province.  According to the announcement, the AAIP will use up to 30 percent of available Express Entry allocations for the Dedicated Healthcare Pathway, allowing... CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE »
The AAIP welcomes 10,000 immigrants per year, every year, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) carefully determine the total number of Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates that each province can nominate annually.  The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) has significantly increased the PNP allocations from last year. In 2023, the province will issue 9,750 nominations – an astounding increase of over 50% compared to 6,500 nominations issued in 2022.  In an official statement, the province announced it would issue 10,140 nominations in 2024 and 10,849 in 2025. The province is looking for more skilled workers as there are about 100,000 job vacancies to fill. The government data from Canada's most recent census in 2016 show that Alberta rivals British Columbia for a place as the second most popular immigration destination in Canada, after Ontario. Alberta has been a very attractive location for newcomers to Canada over the past few years.  The percentage of recent immigrants in Alberta increased from 6.9% in 2001 to 17.1% in 2016, with recent immigrants who first obtained permanent resident status in Canada in the five years prior to a census. The availability of employment opportunities and excellent level of living in Alberta attract immigrants. A variety of smaller cities and towns throughout the province, including the provincial capital Edmonton and the somewhat larger Calgary, have already seen economic growth over the past few years. Immigration streams offered by Alberta The following are the Common immigration streams offered by Alberta: Alberta Express Entry Stream Accelerated Tech Pathway for Express Entry Alberta Opportunity Stream Religious Workers Eligibility program Rural Renewal Stream Rural Entrepreneur Stream Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream Graduate Entrepreneur Stream Also read,  COLD LAKE CITY WANTS TO RENEW THE ALBERTA RURAL RENEWAL STREAM ALBERTA UPDATED THE AAIP INVENTORY AAIP ANNOUNCED UPDATES TO ALBERTA EXPRESS ENTRY STREAM SELECTIONS ALBERTA ISSUED 6,084 NOMINATIONS IN 2022 About Alberta provincial nominee program  An economic immigration scheme called the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), formerly known as the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, selects applicants for Alberta permanent residence.  Applicants must have the necessary skills to fill open positions in Alberta or have plans to buy or start a business there. Also, they must be able to support their families. The Canadian and Albertian governments administer the program. You, your spouse or common-law partner, and any dependant children may apply for permanent residence status if you are nominated through the program. Immigrating to Alberta in 2023 In an effort to draw in more skilled immigrants, Alberta has opened up a number of new pathways and established a priority process since October 2022. While Alberta has added 120,000 new jobs since the start of 2021, the province still has about 74,140 open jobs. In addition, the province predicts a 33,100 worker shortage by 2025 in a wide range of occupations, skill levels, and industries. By employment generation, diversifying the economy, and increasing the workforce in each and every area of the province, immigrants have an essential role in addressing the labor shortages.  In order to facilitate important industries like healthcare, construction, technology, agriculture, and tourism, among others, it is expected that they will offer new skills and experience. The province's growth will be sustained in the coming years due to Alberta's increased immigration intake targets. Want to know more details about “The AAIP to welcome 10,000 immigrants per year” you can contact one of our immigration specialists at  Gunness & Associates. Tel: (416) 604-2669  Email: info@immigrationmatters.info Gunness & Associates has helped thousands of people successfully immigrate to Canada with their families. Our skilled and experienced immigration experts have the expertise to accurately examine your case and advise you on the best method of proceeding to best serve your needs. For honest and straightforward advice, contact the experts at Gunness & Associates. Get a free Assessment  Join our newsletter and get up-to-date immigration news Click here All rights reserved ©2022 Gunness & Associate

The AAIP to welcome 10,000 immigrants per year

The AAIP welcomes 10,000 immigrants per year, every year, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) carefully determine the total number of Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates that each province can nominate annually.  The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) has significantly increased the PNP allocations from last year. In 2023, the... CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE »
Alberta updated the AAIP inventory

Alberta updated the AAIP inventory

Alberta updated the AAIP inventory on February 14, 2023, Alberta published the update considering the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) inventory. According to the new update, there were around 1,310 Alberta Opportunity Stream applications and 430 Expressions of Interest in the Alberta Express Entry pool.    Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship... CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE »

Alberta issued 6,084 nominations in 2022

On November 22, 2022, Alberta published the update considering the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) inventory. According to the new update, there were around 970 Alberta Opportunity Stream applications and 290 Expressions of Interest in the Alberta Express Entry pool.  Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) allocated a quota of... CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE »