Stay Permanently In
Getting yourself assessed is the first step in immigrating to Canada. There are a number of ways to obtain a Permanent Resident visa. You should think about it in terms of “immigration categories”. Each category represents how an applicant can obtain permanent resident status

The applicant applies on his or her own merit. This involves demonstrating that he or she will be successful in financially supporting him or herself in Canada. The applicant in this class is assessed under the “points system” and is given points in several categories:
- Education
- Official Language (English & French)
- Experience
- Arranged Employment
- Age
- Adaptability

There are three Business Immigration Categories:
Investors must have business experience. They must have either:
- Managed a qualifying business and controlled a percentage of equity of a qualifying business for at least two years in the period beginning five years before the date of application and ending on the day a determination is made on the application, OR
- They must have managed at least five full-time job equivalents per year in a business for at least two years in the period beginning five years before the date of application and ending on the day a determination is made on the application, OR
- A combination of a one-year period of experience described in subparagraph (1) and a one-year period of experience described in subparagraph (2).
The investor class applicant must have a net worth of at least $800,000. They are required to make an investment of $400,000, paid to the Receiver General of Canada.
The investment is subsequently allocated to participating provinces and territories in Canada. These governments use the funds for job creation and economic development.
The full amount of the investment (without interest) is repaid to the investor after five years. The exact date of repayment depends on when the $400,000 is received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. At the latest, the amount would be returned five years and 3 months after the date of payment. The return of the investment is fully guaranteed by participating provinces and territories.
Entrepreneurs must have business experience. They must have managed and controlled a percentage of equity of a qualifying business for at least two one-year periods in the period beginning five years before the date of the application and ending on the day a determination is made on the application.
- Control a percentage of equity of a qualifying Canadian business equal to or greater than 33.33%; AND
- Provide active and ongoing management of the qualifying Canadian business; AND
- Create at least one incremental full-time job equivalent for one or more Canadian citizens or permanent residents other than the entrepreneur applicant and their family members.
- Entrepreneurs are required to sign a declaration stating they intend and will be able to meet the conditions of permanent residence.
Self-employed immigrants must have relevant experience. Points are awarded for relevant experience within the five-year period immediately preceding the date of the application and ending on the day a determination is made on the application. Self-employed immigrants must have the experience, intention and ability to:
- Establish a business that will, at a minimum, create an employment opportunity for themselves and that will make a significant contribution to cultural activities or athletics in Canada; OR
- Purchase and manage a farm in Canada.
Entrepreneurs are required to sign a declaration stating they intend and will be able to meet the conditions of permanent residence.

A relative in Canada who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident may act as a sponsor and assist the applicant in immigrating to Canada. The relative is required to guarantee the applicant’s finances during the first few years of his or her residency in Canada. A sponsor can be a parent, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, son, daughter, etc.
The sponsor may sponsor the following members of the Family Class (subject to meeting eligibility requirements):
- Their spouse
- Their common-law/same-sex partner
- Their conjugal partner
- Their dependent children under age twenty-two (22)
- Their dependent children age twenty-two (22) and over (if they are full-time (15 hours per week or more) students, mentally or physically disabled and dependent on their parents) children adopted or to be adopted by them, or under their guardianship
- Parents
- Grandparents
- Other prescribed family members (i.e. last remaining family member under humanitarian and compassionate grounds where it is warranted).

We serve across all provinces in Canada.
Also serving internationally across the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, India, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Malaysia, Dubai, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent, Guyana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Australia, and the rest of the world.