

Visitors in Canada seek asylum through a special pathway

May 3, 2024

Visitors in Canada

“Visitors in Canada: Amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has seen a surge in asylum seekers entering the country through an expedited visa pathway. This unique phenomenon reflects the demand generated during the border closure and underscores the complexities of immigration policy during global crises.”

As of February 29, 2024, approximately 152,400 visas have been issued under this program, with an additional 7,300 Super Visas specifically catering to parents and grandparents. An internal memo has unveiled that 19,400 visitor asylum claims have been filed under this program, constituting a significant 13% of visa holders. Comparatively, in 2023, 14% of the 137,947 refugee claimants originated from this program. The numbers are anticipated to rise further as many visa holders have yet to arrive in Canada.

In response to the unprecedented circumstances, Canada has implemented temporary policy adjustments to facilitate the influx of asylum seekers. Notably, these adjustments waive the typical financial proof and future departure requirements, while still upholding stringent security, criminal, and medical clearances.

The influx of asylum seekers through this special pathway presents both opportunities and challenges for Canada. On one hand, it underscores the country’s commitment to humanitarian principles and providing refuge to those in need. On the other hand, it places strains on resources and raises questions about long-term integration and support mechanisms.

Canada’s special pathway for asylum seekers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the adaptability of immigration policies in response to evolving global circumstances. As the country continues to navigate the complexities of migration, it reaffirms its commitment to providing sanctuary to those fleeing persecution and hardship.

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