

Ontario allocated international student applications for the labor market

March 28, 2024

international student applications

Ontario will allocate 96% of international student applications to publicly assisted colleges and universities, with the remaining 4% going to Ontario’s language schools, private universities, and other institutions. Career colleges will not accept any applications.

Applications will be assigned to institutions based on the following criteria:

  • Prioritize programs in the following high-demand fields: skilled trades, health and human resources, STEM, hospitality, and childcare.
  • Cannot exceed the institution’s 2023 permit levels.
  • Finally, the ratio of international permits cannot exceed 55% (excluding high-demand areas) of the institution’s first-year domestic enrolment in 2023.

According to the new announcement, the number of study permits for each institution in 2024 cannot exceed those issued in 2023, with the ratio of international permits capped at 55%. All public universities, except Algoma University, and 11 of 24 public colleges will maintain 2023 application levels. The most significant decline will be in public-private college partnerships and Conestoga College.

Employers will prioritize French-language enrolment as they compete for workers with French skills. The government will work with colleges and universities to help them establish and transition to programming that meets labor market needs and contributes to Ontario’s economic growth.

Most international students seeking to study in Ontario must submit a provincial letter of attestation along with their study permit application. This letter proves that the applicant was accounted for within the federal government’s maximum allocations. 

“We are protecting the integrity of our province’s postsecondary education system by attracting the best and brightest international students to Ontario to study in critical economic areas,” said Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities. “We have been working with postsecondary institutions to ensure international students are enrolled in the programs to support a pipeline of graduates for in-demand jobs.”

Ontario’s decision to prioritize international student applications in high-demand fields marks a significant step towards addressing skill shortages and enhancing economic competitiveness. By aligning education with the needs of the labor market, the province aims to foster innovation, growth, and prosperity for all. This strategic approach underscores Ontario’s commitment to excellence in education and its vision for a thriving and inclusive society.

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