

It is Welcoming Week 2023 in Canada

September 12, 2023

Welcoming Week

It is a Welcoming Week 2023 in Canada, On September 8, 2023, Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), stated that Canada welcomes more and more newcomers and celebrates inclusivity. Immigrants are an essential part of Canada’s cultural and economic fabric, contributing to innovation, filling labor market needs, and creating jobs. 

Canada will celebrate Welcoming Week 2023, a global initiative promoting community diversity and connections, until September 17, 2023. The Minister encouraged all Canadians to share their community’s successes on social media using #WelcomingWeek2023 to inspire others to be more welcoming.

The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, issued the following statement:

“By opening our doors to those seeking a better life, we open our communities to those wanting to build a stronger Canada. Other than Indigenous peoples, who have been here since time immemorial, all Canadians can trace their stories back to immigration. Whether your family has been here for many generations, like mine, or has just joined Canada, we can all celebrate the benefits of an inclusive welcoming community.”

“By giving a warm welcome to newcomers, we make our communities more successful, diverse, and inclusive. Starting today until September 17, we will celebrate Welcoming Week with the world, taking the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the people and values that make everyone feel at home in their local community.”

“Welcoming Week is a global movement that brings communities and neighbors of all backgrounds together to build strong connections and achieve collective prosperity.”

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Want to know more details about It is Welcoming Week 2023 in Canada you can contact one of our immigration specialists at  Gunness & Associates.


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Email: info@immigrationmatters.info


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