Canada remains one of the top immigration destinations
March 8, 2023

Canada remains one of the top immigration destinations In February 2023, the Century Initiative released findings revealing that Canada has a distinct advantage regarding immigrant attraction due to its strong public acceptance of immigration policies. The national, non-partisan charity urges for the economic and societal benefits of increasing Canada’s population to one hundred million by 2100.
The new report states that Canada has an advantage over other countries because its citizens embrace immigrants more than ever. Ever since the late 1990s, Canadian support for immigration has drastically increased alongside a surge in people feeling that multiculturalism is one of Canada’s most defining features – 64% of Canadians agree.
The Environics Institute, a research group that collects public opinion in Canada on the issues that influence the country, recently conducted a Focus Canada study, which is referenced in the Century Initiative report. The conclusion of the study, seven out of 10 Canadians supported the country’s current immigration policies.
When the Environics Institute began keeping track 45 years ago, this was the highest level of support. According to the study, Canadians are conscious of how important immigration is to boost the country’s economy and population.
According to the report, one of the methods is that almost a quarter of all Canadians are immigrants. According to the 2021 census, 1.3 million new permanent residents arrived in Canada between 2016 and 2021, and according to Statistics Canada, this figure may reach 34% by 2041.
One of the main factors in Canada’s ability to attract immigrants is, what the report describes as, Canada’s “International Brand.” Canada is regarded as a nation that offers an excellent quality of life in terms of healthcare, education, housing, safety, and tolerance on a worldwide scale.
This indicates that Canada is in a good position to attract and retain immigrants.
The future of immigration in Canada
Long-term success for Canada depends on immigration. Canada needs an efficient, user-friendly, and adaptable immigration system in order to fully realize the benefits of immigration and offer immigrants the best possible experience.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have consistently taken steps to limit application backlogs and develop a better immigration system as part of ongoing work to improve client service. To boost processing capacity and efficiency while protecting Canadians’ safety and security, this includes digital applications, employing and training new people, and using automation technology.
In Canada, immigration is the primary driver of population growth. More than a quarter (23%) of the population, or more than 8.3 million people, were or had ever been landed immigrants or permanent residents in Canada in 2021. The highest among the G7 economies, this proportion was the highest since Confederation.
Want to know more details about “Canada remains one of the top immigration destinations” you can contact one of our immigration specialists at Gunness & Associates.
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