

BC PNP International Graduates & Post Graduate Stream

August 12, 2022

BC PNP International Graduates & Post Graduate Stream

The aim of the BC PNP International Graduate is to attract foreign students who have completed postgraduate or undergraduate education in British Columbia and would like to apply for a work permit and permanent residence in Canada.

The BC PNP is offering a pathway to permanent residence for international graduates, skilled or semi-skilled workers, and their family members who want to settle in British Columbia.

What is BC PNP

BC PNP means British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program which is an economic immigration program that enables the province to directly select prospective immigrants to help address British Columbia’s labor market needs and contribute to the economic development of the province.

Living in BC after Completing Graduation

You can apply for a (PGWP) post-graduate work permit if you have recently completed your graduation from post-graduation school in BC. The Canadian working experience you gain while on this temporary work permit. It will be counted towards your application for permanent residence through the BC Provincial Nominee Program or the Canadian Experience Class.

Or have you completed your graduation with a valid credential from an eligible Canadian university or college within the last three years? Then the international graduates may have the option to stay in BC and apply for permanent residency.

Eligible Requirements For British Columbia PNP Stream

To qualify for the BC PNP International Graduates requirements category you must: 

  • have accepted a full-time, indeterminate job offer from a B.C. employer. The job must be classified as Skill Level A or B under the (NOC) National Occupational Classification.
  • Management occupations (grouped under Skill Type 0 in the NOC) are not eligible under this category.
  • have completed a diploma, degree, or certificate from an eligible post-secondary institution in Canada in the past three years
  • be qualified to work in your occupation in B.C.
  • for NOC skill level B occupations, meet minimum language requirements
  • have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada
  • have a wage offer in line with B.C. wage rates for the occupation
  • show you can support yourself and your dependents

This means that you meet the eligibility criteria to apply.

International Post Graduates

Have you graduated and have a degree in science or engineering from an eligible B.C. institution?  The International Post Graduate category will help you gain permanent residence in British Columbia. Remember that you don’t need a job offer to apply.

Check your Eligible graduate degrees

You have to have graduated in the last three years with a master’s or doctorate degree in one of the eligible programs in the following natural, applied, or health sciences disciplines:

  • health professions and related programs
  • agriculture, agriculture operations, and related sciences
  • biological and biomedical sciences
  • computer and information sciences and support services
  • engineering
  • engineering technology and engineering-related fields
  • mathematics and statistics
  • natural resources conservation
  • physical sciences

Eligible Requirements 

To qualify for the BC PNP International Post-Graduate category, you must:

  • have, or be eligible for, and have legal immigration status in Canada
  • demonstrate that you have the ability and intent to live, and work in B.C.
  • have completed a valid graduate program of study at an eligible post-secondary institution in B.C. in the last three years

To use the Express Entry BC option, you must have 

  • an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number 
  • a Job Seeker Validation Code and 
  • meet the federal minimum language requirements. 

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Priority Occupations for BC PNP draws

The BC PNP chronologically issues invitations to candidates with experience in priority occupations. Generally, The priority occupations are divided into four categories:

  1. tech occupations, 
  2. healthcare occupations, 
  3. childcare occupations, and 
  4. other priority occupations. 

These are the priority occupations for each category following:

B.C. PNP Tech Occupations

0131 Telecommunication carriers managers

0213 Computer and information systems managers

0512 Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting, and performing arts

2131 Civil engineers

2132 Mechanical engineers

2133 Electrical and electronics engineers

2134 Chemical engineers

2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)

2171 Information systems analysts and consultants

2172 Database analysts and data administrators

2173 Software engineers and designers

2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers

2175 Web designers and developers

2221 Biological technologists and technicians

2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians

2242 Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)

2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics

2281 Computer network technicians

2282 User support technicians

2283 Information systems testing technicians

5121 Authors and writers

5122 Editors

5125 Translators, terminologists, and interpreters

5224 Broadcast technicians

5225 Audio and video recording technicians

5226 Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, and the performing arts

5227 Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography, and the performing arts

5241 Graphic designers and illustrators

6221 Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade

Care Economy: Healthcare occupations

0311   Managers in healthcare

3011   Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors

3012   Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses

3111   Specialist physicians

3112   General practitioners and family physicians

3113   Dentists

3122   Chiropractors

3124   Allied primary health practitioners

3125   Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating

3131   Pharmacists

3132   Dietitians and nutritionists

3141   Audiologists and speech-language pathologists

3142   Physiotherapists

3143   Occupational therapists

3144   Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment

3211   Medical laboratory technologists

3212   Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants

3214   Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists, and cardiopulmonary technologists

3215   Medical radiation technologists

3216   Medical sonographers

3217   Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c.

3219   Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)

3221   Denturists

3222   Dental hygienists and dental therapists

3223   Dental technologists, technicians, and laboratory assistants

3232   Practitioners of natural healing

3233   Licensed practical nurses

3234   Paramedical occupations

3237   Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment

3411   Dental assistants

3413   Nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates*

4151   Psychologists

4152   Social workers

4153   Family, marriage, and other related counselors

4212   Social and community service workers

British Columbia Care economy: Healthcare occupations

0311   Managers in healthcare

3011   Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors

3012   Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses

3111   Specialist physicians

3112   General practitioners and family physicians

3113   Dentists

3122   Chiropractors

3124   Allied primary health practitioners

3125   Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating

3131   Pharmacists

3132   Dietitians and nutritionists

3141   Audiologists and speech-language pathologists

3142   Physiotherapists

3143   Occupational therapists

3144   Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment

3211   Medical laboratory technologists

3212   Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants

3214   Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists, and cardiopulmonary technologists

3215   Medical radiation technologists

3216   Medical sonographers

3217   Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c.

3219   Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)

3221   Denturists

3222   Dental hygienists and dental therapists

3223   Dental technologists, technicians, and laboratory assistants

3232   Practitioners of natural healing

3233   Licensed practical nurses

3234   Paramedical occupations

3237   Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment

3411   Dental assistants

3413   Nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates*

4151   Psychologists

4152   Social workers

4153   Family, marriage, and other related counselors

4212   Social and community service workers

BC Care economy: Childcare occupations

4214   Early childhood educators and assistants

Other  priority occupations

3114   Veterinarians

3213   Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians

Get help

To know more details about the BC PNP International Graduates and post-graduate stream,  you can contact one of our immigration specialists at Gunness & Associates.

Tel: (416) 604-2669

Email: info@immigrationmatters.info

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