Atlantic Premiers collaborate to enhance healthcare and the economy in the region

On June 12, 2023, Atlantic Premiers came together to improve healthcare and strengthen Atlantic Canada’s economy. They discussed expanding the Atlantic Registry concept to cover more health professions, reducing administrative burden, sharing information and data, and establishing an Atlantic Working Group on International Recruitment.
Premiers also discussed immigration and labor force challenges with Federal Minister of Immigration Sean Fraser. They agreed to work towards an Agreement to Improve Technical Safety, Interjurisdictional Commerce, and the Mobility of Certified Tradespeople in Atlantic Canada, enabling regulated technical tradespeople to work throughout the region more efficiently.
Premiers remain dedicated to strengthening healthcare through stronger cooperation under the Atlantic Health Accord. Since it went into effect on May 1, 87 physicians have decided to join the Atlantic Physician Registry, giving them the flexibility to serve anywhere in the region. The Registry introduces Canada’s first multi-jurisdictional licensing approach.
In order to build on this success, the premiers have committed to exploring options such as expanding the Atlantic Registry concept to include more health professions, easing the administrative burden, improving information and data sharing, and developing an Atlantic Working Group on International Recruitment along with health partners. Premiers hope to improve care for Atlantic Canadians and continue constructing innovative healthcare systems through these efforts. Premiers expect further conversations around health innovation and human resources when they attend the Council of the Federation meeting in Winnipeg next month with their colleagues.
The need for a new federal infrastructure program to address the effects of climate change and develop infrastructure that promotes economic growth is recognized by the premiers. The funds provided by federal programs must be adequate, dependable, and flexible enough to allow provinces to spend it in line with their own infrastructure goals.
As sea levels rise, the Chignecto Isthmus, which connects New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, is at risk. Premiers emphasized that it is the Federal Government’s duty under the Constitution to uphold links between the provinces and fully fund this project.
Premiers emphasized their commitment to reducing homelessness and enhancing access to affordable housing. In order to meet the need for existing provincial programming, they urged the federal government to boost flexible funds for program delivery and the region’s needs.
In order to help workers and employers with training and retraining opportunities that are crucial to boosting employment and economic growth in Atlantic Canada, premiers additionally asked the federal government to preserve labor market transfer agreements.
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