

Activists Urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau To Expand His Immigration Plan

February 21, 2025


Activists Urge Prime Minister  Justin Trudeau to Expand His Immigration Plan, As the House of Commons resumes operations after the summer break, immigration advocates are pushing for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to establish a path to permanent residency for as many as 500,000 undocumented immigrants in Canada. Since the spring, the minority Liberal government, aided by the New Democrats, has been quietly developing a so-called regularization plan for non-status migrants, many of whom are precariously employed in construction, cleaning, caregiving, food processing, and agriculture. The range of vulnerabilities faced by people in the underground economy is concerning, advocates say. Poor mental and physical health caused by social isolation and abusive working conditions were some of the main issues facing these workers.


When parliament reconvenes the following week, campaigners for migrant rights in Canada will step up their campaign to persuade Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration to offer permanent status to all foreign workers, students, and other unauthorized residents of the nation.


Danilo De Leon, an activist for undocumented workers’ rights, told reporters on Wednesday during a virtual press briefing that he and other people without status “cannot wait” any longer.

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Pathways to residency


The Canadian government has stated that it is researching options for foreign employees and international students to get permanent residency.


The office of Canada’s Minister of Employment Carla Qualtrough also stated that the government has set aside $38.1 million ($49.5 million Canadian) over three years in 2021 to increase support for migrant workers.


The TFW [temporary foreign worker] tip line has been expanded to offer services in several languages, and we are strengthening assistance for migrant worker organizations, among other steps, it added. “In the previous year, it has reinforced the workplace inspection process,” it said.


According to sociology professors Luin Goldring of York University and Patricia Landolt of the University of Toronto, temporary migrants can lose their status for a variety of reasons, including “if they leave a job for any reason such as unpaid wages, sexual harassment, or unsafe working conditions,” they wrote in The Conversation last year.


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Trudeau’s plan for immigrants through 2024


As Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has made it a priority to welcome immigrants and refugees into the country. His policies have been widely praised.

To maintain its post-pandemic expansion, Canada, a nation that primarily relies on immigration to increase its labor force, has set an ambitious goal of drawing in more than 1.3 million new residents over the next three years.


The 2022-24 Immigration Levels Plan, which was unveiled on Monday, states that the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to bring in more than 431,000 permanent residents this year, 447,000 in 2023, and 451,000 in 2024. The numbers have increased from the original targets of 411,000 and 421,000, respectively, for this year and 2023.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that he is committed to helping those who are fleeing violence and persecution and that his government is working on a plan to resettle more refugees. 


Almost all of Canada’s job growth has been credited to immigration, which has been one of the key forces behind the country’s economic progress. More than 405,000 new immigrants immigrated to Canada last year — the highest annual rise in its history.


By 2024, total admissions will equal 1.14% of the Canadian population, and roughly 60% of newcomers will be eligible as economic immigrants, chosen based on their qualifications and professional experience.


The activists say that Trudeau has an opportunity to show leadership on this issue, and they will be watching to see what he does next.


The activists who are urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to expand his immigration plan say that Canada has a moral responsibility to help those who are fleeing violence and persecution. They believe that by expanding the immigration plan, Canada can provide a safe haven for more people who need it. The activists also say that the An An An expanded immigration plan would be good for the economy, as it would bring in new talent and skills. 


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