Saskatchewan invited 468 candidates under the SINP draw

On December 21, 2022, Saskatchewan invited 468 candidates under the SINP. In the Express Entry category, Saskatchewan issued 153 ITAs. In addition, another 315 invitations were issued to the Occupations In-Demand category candidates. The lowest score in both categories was 80 points, 2 points fewer than in the previous draw.
All invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. In this draw, Saskatchewan invited candidates under 109 different NOCs. In 2022, Saskatchewan has already invited 10,903 candidates.
Details of the recent SINP draw
On December 21, 2022, Saskatchewan held a draw and sent 468 invitations under two categories of the International Skilled Workers stream. The table includes the information:
Date | Category | lowest-ranked candidates | The score of the lowest-ranked candidates | Number of invitations Considerations |
December 21, 2022 | Express Entry | 80 | 153 | Invited candidates had ECA credentials. Not all occupations were selected for this draw. |
December 21, 2022 | Occupations In-Demand | 80 | 315 | Invited candidates had ECA credentials. Not all occupations were selected for this draw. |
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program is known as SINP. With the SINP, the Saskatchewan province selects its own non-Canadian applicants who want to immigrate permanently to the province. A provincial nomination is how this process is defined, and it generally means that Saskatchewan presents its nominees to the Canadian government (in specifically, IRCC) to apply for permanent residence.
One of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), the SINP has categories for workers, graduates from other countries, and additional entrepreneurs. The Saskatchewan Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand subcategories of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) use a special Expression of Interest (EOI) points grid to rank applicants. Candidates must receive at least 60 points out of a maximum of 100 on the SINP point assessment grid in order to be selected.
Saskatchewan Express Entry Category
Candidates in Canada’s Express Entry pool can enter Canada through Saskatchewan Express Entry and be selected by the province to live and work there. The International Skilled Worker category of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) includes a subcategory called Saskatchewan Express Entry.
According to the Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System, qualified applicants for the Saskatchewan Express Entry subcategory get rewarded 600 points (CRS). In a subsequent Express Entry draw, this effectively guaranteed that the applicant will receive an invitation to apply (ITA) for Canadian permanent residence status.
Saskatchewan Occupations In-Demand category
One of the International Skilled Worker streams of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) run by the government of Saskatchewan, is the Saskatchewan Occupation In-Demand stream. Candidates may submit an Expression of Interest to be considered for the stream if they have experience in one of Saskatchewan’s in-demand occupations and get a qualifying score on the SINP Points Assessment Grid.
Successful candidates in the Saskatchewan Occupation In-Demand stream will get an invitation to complete an official application for Canadian permanent residence.
To find out more details about “Saskatchewan invited 468 candidates under the SINP” you can contact one of our immigration specialists at Gunness & Associates.
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