

Canada welcomed 13,500 new citizens during the citizenship week

the citizenship week

Canada welcomed over 13,500 new citizens in 105 ceremonies across all provinces and territories during the citizenship week, almost double the average number of new citizens welcomed weekly throughout the year. Canada exceeded its citizenship goals in 2022, with nearly 364,000 new citizens. 

The Citizenship Application Tracker was launched in May 2021 to streamline the application process, while online application processes have been made available for some clients. Since the launch of the new online testing platform in November 2020, nearly 546,000 people have taken citizenship tests online. IRCC is now inviting over 5,000 applicants every week to complete the test.

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 

“It was an honor to help welcome more than 13,500 newcomers to our Canadian family. In fact, it is among my favorite parts of my job. I’ve had the chance to think about all that being a Canadian means, like the freedom to live how we truly are, the connection to nature, and the possibility to realize our full potential regardless of where we come from, during Citizenship Week 2023. Every day I am grateful to be a Canadian, and I urge everyone to consider what that means to them.”

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In the first quarter of 2023, 84,720 immigrants became new citizens.

According to the most recent data released by the IRCC in May 2023, in the first three months of 2023, 84,720 immigrants from 212 different countries became new Canadian citizens.

Country of BirthNumber of New Canadian Citizens

Q1 2023 (January – March)

People’s Republic of China2,572
United States of America2,043
United Kingdom and Colonies1,521


What are the processing times for Canadian Citizenship?

According to the most recent official report, IRCC is now processing the majority (80%) of citizenship applications in the six months prior to this one in an average of 21 months.


Who is eligible for Canadian citizenship?

After having physically resided in Canada for three years (1,095 days) of the five years immediately preceding the application for citizenship, the IRCC allows permanent residents to apply for Canadian citizenship.

Being a citizen of Canada has advantages as unlike permanent residents, citizens are not subject to residency requirements. Click here to read complete details for eligibility requirements for Canadian Citizenship

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Want to know more details about Canada welcomed 13,500 new citizens during the citizenship week” you can contact one of our immigration specialists at  Gunness & Associates.


Tel: (416) 604-2669 

Email: info@immigrationmatters.info


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