

Alberta Invited 120 more Candidates Under the AAIP

February 21, 2025

Alberta Invited 120 More Candidates Under the AAIP

 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) determine the number of nominations the AAIP (Alberta Advantage Immigration Program) can issue each year. IRCC provided 6,500 nomination certificates to Alberta for 2022. This year, Alberta has issued only 3,877 nomination certificates so far. As of August 2, 2022, there are around 1,150 Alberta Opportunity Stream applications and 400 Expressions of Interest in the Alberta Express Entry pool. 

In addition, on July 29, 2022, Alberta held a new round in the Alberta Express Entry Stream and issued 120 Notifications of Interest (NOI). The lowest score in this round was 473 points, 67 points more than in the previous draw. In 2022, AAIP already invited 2,320 Express Entry candidates to apply for a provincial nomination in the Alberta Express Entry.

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Alberta Express Entry Stream

The Alberta Express Entry Stream allows Alberta to nominate a limited number of qualified applicants from IRCC’s (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada) Express Entry system.

International graduates from Canadian post-secondary institutions can also be asked to apply under this stream.


Streams for workers

AAIP StreamNumber of applications in the queue (approximate)The AAIP is assessing applications received before (approximately)
Alberta Opportunity StreamApproximately 1,150April 19, 2022Applications received after this date have not yet been assigned to an officer for assessment.
Alberta Express Entry StreamApproximately 400These applications are treated as an Expression of Interest and are not reviewed based on the date of submission. Accelerated Tech Pathway applications are priority processed.
Rural Renewal StreamNot available due to low application volumes.Not available due to low application volumes.
Alberta Invited 120 more Candidates Under the AAIP

Application Volumes According to Occupation

The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) has a high volume of applications in worker-stream occupations are given.

6311 – Food service supervisors

6211 – Retail sales supervisor

1241 – Administrative assistants

6322 – Cooks

7511 – Transport truck drivers

1221 – Administrative officers

4214 – Early childhood educators and assistants

0621 – Retail and wholesale trade managers

1311 – Accounting technicians and bookkeepers

0631 – Restaurant and food service managers

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AAIP Application Processing

The mandatory consideration in AAIP application processing include

  • application quality (eligibility, completeness, outdated application information or documents)
  • the volume of applications received
  • the date the application was received
  • strategic priorities, informed by the labor market, and economic development information
  • the number of nomination certificates remaining for the year

To know more details about the AAIP, you can contact one of our immigration specialists at Gunness & Associates.


Tel: (416) 604-2669

Email: info@immigrationmatters.info

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