

Manitoba increased the amount of investment in immigrant settlement services

immigrant settlement services

Manitoba increased the amount of investment in immigrant settlement services to help facilitate a smooth transition into Canadian society, Manitoba has invested an additional $4 million to finance projects that aid immigrants with social and economic integration. This injection of funding will double the amount available for settlement services in the province. 


The Manitoba government is allocating a total of $7.1 million for the Newcomer Community Integration Support Program (NCIS) in the upcoming financial year, which includes an investment of $3 million into Manitoba Start, a further injection of $120,000 to Recognition Counts and increased funding towards Newcomer Community Connections Stream. 


Honourable Jon Reyes, the minister of immigration for Manitoba, said about the investment: 

“Thousands of newcomers settle in Manitoba every year from all over the world, and the diverse knowledge, skills, and experiences they bring with them strengthen the vibrancy of our communities. It has been proven that expanding the settlement services available to newcomers will improve their capacity to successfully integrate into their local community sooner.”

According to the most recent Stats Canada report, Manitoba’s retention rate for immigrants for five years was 67.7%. However, this is significantly less than in provinces like Ontario, where the retention rate is 92%. Because of this, Manitoba took the decision to increase its investment in strengthening immigrant settlement services that would help in the newcomers’ successful social and economic assimilation into Canadian society. Comparing the amount allocated currently to what the province spent for the same reason last year, it is over twice.


The minister stated his hope that new and innovative projects would benefit from the increased funding. These programs will help immigrants build solid connections with their communities so they can create and use the wonderful available resources to them.

The fund will be disbursed to the following organizations:

  • Service-provider organizations offering services to newcomers
  • Established non-profit organizations and community groups
  • Direct service/program providers.


Labour Market in Manitoba

One of Canada’s western provinces, Manitoba is booming with new business ventures. The province’s population is rapidly aging, and the lack of native talent has rendered the workforce more dependent on foreign skilled immigration.

The demand for civil engineers is expected to rise in Manitoba over the next few years, and the province is also welcoming other skilled workers and immigrants from overseas who are bringing them with families.

In fact, 20,420 new permanent residents were accepted by the province in the first 11 months of 2022, which is an 18% increase over the same period in 2019. By the end of 2022, 2,793 foreign nationals are expected to have gained permanent residency in Manitoba only due to family sponsorships.


Want to know more details about “Manitoba increased the amount of investment in immigrant settlement services” you can contact one of our immigration specialists at  Gunness & Associates.


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